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Clear Grip Seal Bag - C7
89mm wide x 114mm long, 50 micron thickness
From £15.69 per 1000
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Mailing Bags with Printed Designs
Mailing Bags with Printed Designs
An exclusive set of designer printed mailers in handy pack sizes.
Our Budget Grip Seal Bags are a cheaper thinner range of the handy resealable bags (with the option of write-on-panels to easy label and catalogue their contents)
Budget Grip Seal Bags
Ideal for sorting
and storing things!
In Grip Seal Bags...
Polymax extra strong bags

Polymax - the strong but thin sack

Polymax extra strong bagsExclusive to Polybags, our Polymax sacks are super-thin, super-strong and available at a super-low price.

Stronger than regular bags, Polymax use 40 percent less polythene than a regular polythene bag of the same strength.

This means that not only they do they use up fewer valuable resources - thus making them better for the environment - but they are also kinder to your pocket, with savings of up to 25% on comparable low density polythene (LDPE) bags.

These extra tough bags have great tear resistance, making them suitable for heavy duty work, whilst their excellent clarity means you can keep an eye on contents at all times.

Polymax Hercules giant bag

Cutting-edge bags

As the UK's number one polythene manufacturer, Polybags are proud to be at the forefront of material and blending developments.

Developed by our material experts, our Polymax sacks are a prime example of this work, producing a bag that provides all the toughness of a heavy duty polythene bag but with much less material.

Exclusive to Polybags, this new generation of bags are both extra tough and extra thin, with two different ranges offering excellent excellent clarity, strength and tear resistance:

  • Hercules - Like the Roman God himself, these bags are famed for their strength. At a thickness of just 150 gauge (37.5 micron), the high-clarity polythene may appear lightweight, but looks can be deceptive. These bags pack the punch of a 250-gauge (62.5-micron) regular polythene bag. Food-safe to EU standards.
  • Goliath - Like the Biblical giant, these bags are very big and very strong, but they won't get floored by a pile of builders' rubble, let alone a single pebble. At 300-gauge (75-micron) thick, these bags have all the strength of a regular 500-gauge (125-micron) polythene bag so can handle the heaviest of heavy duty loads, whilst also having excellent clarity and meeting EU specifications for food safety.
HDS Ultra

HDS Ultra - the Big Daddy

Our HDS Ultra bags are the toughest and strongest polythene bags in the Polybags catalogue. In fact, these bags - known in Polybags HQ as the Big Daddies of the bag world - are probably the toughest and strongest bags available anywhere online.

At 400-gauge (100-micron) thick, these bags would be classed as extra strong even if they were made from regular low density polythene (LDPE). But our Polymax technology means these bags shape up at the equivalent of 600-gauge (150-micron) regular LDPE, which means they can tackle the very toughest of jobs.



* charge may apply for NI, Highlands and Islands
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Clear Grip Seal Bag - C7
89mm wide x 114mm long, 50 micron thickness
From £15.69 per 1000
more bestsellers...
100%-Recycled Mailing Bags
Bio and 100%-recycled mailing bags in low quantity handypacks.
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