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100% Recycled Mailing Bag
250mm wide x 350mm length, 55 micron thickness. (Large Letter).
From £19.36 per 200
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Mailing Bags with Printed Designs
Mailing Bags with Printed Designs
An exclusive set of designer printed mailers in handy pack sizes.
Our Budget Grip Seal Bags are a cheaper thinner range of the handy resealable bags (with the option of write-on-panels to easy label and catalogue their contents)
Budget Grip Seal Bags
Ideal for sorting
and storing things!
In Grip Seal Bags...

Renewable packaging

Renewable packaging Renewable plastics are eco-friendly plastics made from renewable sources, rather than petroleum products, meaning the original source can be replenished and so won't be depleted over time.

Also known as bioplastics, renewable plastics can be derived from a range of natural sources - including sugars, oils, starches, cellulose or wood - that can be converted into chemicals and polymers using similar processes to those used by traditional polythene.

Renewable plastics currently represent a small proportion of the global plastics market, but this proportion is increasing all the time as we look for more eco-friendly solutions to every aspect of our lives.

Polybags is at the forefront of the UK's renewable packaging market - our fastest-growing area - as we continue to provide more sustainable solutions to meet our customers' needs.

Compostable bag with bananas

Bio-based renewable plastics

Renewable content Polybags uses bio-based renewable plastics to make a number of our product ranges, including our compostable mailing bags and compostable packing bags.

These ranges are both compostable and biodegradable thanks to a significant proportion of their formulation being made from bioplastics. Keep an eye out for our green renewable icons as you shop online here at Polybags.co.uk.

Polybags has manufacturing capacity to produce a range of renewable products in-house, using bioplastics from a selection of manufacturers.

  • BIOPLAST 300 from BIOTEC is a fully biodegradable, compostable and plasticiser-free material that contains natural potato starch and other biologically-sourced polymers. Particularly suitable for ultra-lightweight applications, its biobased carbon share exceeds 30%. Meets compostable standard EN13432 and has achieved the 'OK compost HOME' certification from TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium. Used for: Compostable mailing bags, compostable packing bags
  • NatureFlex™ from Futamura is a range of speciality packaging bio-films made from renewable wood pulp from managed plantations. Certified to European (EN13432) and US (ASTM D6400) standards for compostable packaging, these renewable plastics support increasing consumer demand for more environmentally responsible packaging. Used for: Compostable display bags, compostable film-front bags
Renewable plastic manufacturers
  • Mater-Bi from Novamont is a family of biodegradable and compostable bioplastics (as per European standard EN13432) with properties and characteristics that are very similar to those of traditional plastics. With a range of options for clear or opaque polythene, Mater-Bi can be converted into a range of products and allows for in-house printing. Packaging options: Carrier bags, packing bags, mailing bags, layflat tubing
  • M∙VERA® from Bio-Fed is a range of compostable films with a bio-based carbon share of between <20% to >50%. Suitable for food contact and designed for applications where industrial composting is an end-of-life option, this range of films meet compostability standard EN13432. Suitable for a range of applications and for use in coextruded films. Packaging options: Carrier bags, waste bags, fruit and vegetable packing bags
  • NATIVIA® from Taghleef Industries is a new generation of biodegradable films made from renewable resources (PLA bio-based resin). The range includes heat sealable transparent and solid white films that cover a wide range of food and non-food packaging applications, offering bio-based origin, certification by TÜV AUSTRIA and compostability as per standard EN13432. Packaging options: Display bags, peel & seal bags and header bags
Renewable plastic manufacturers

I'm Green renewable polythene

I'm Green renewable polythene I'm Green is a renewable polythene that offers the same performance benefits as traditional polythene, but is carbon-neutral, 100% recyclable and has a renewable content share of 95%.

An innovative eco-friendly product, I'm Green polythene is produced using ethanol made from sugar cane - a renewable raw material - as opposed to traditional fossil fuels.

This versatile material is suitable for a range of packaging applications, offering a favourable carbon footprint and a product that can be disposed of in existing polythene recycling streams.

Find out more about this sustainable packaging solution on our I'm Green polythene page.



* charge may apply for NI, Highlands and Islands
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Clear Grip Seal Bag - C7
89mm wide x 114mm long, 50 micron thickness
From £15.69 per 1000
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100%-Recycled Mailing Bags
Bio and 100%-recycled mailing bags in low quantity handypacks.
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