Customer information on quality, health & safety & environment
ISO9001:2015 Quality management system
- Polybags achieved certification to the ISO9001:2015 standard having previously been certified to the ISO9001:2008 standard in 2013, the ISO9001:2000 standard in 2004 and the ISO9002:1994 standard (formerly BS5750) in 1995.
- Using this standard we operate under a quality system where we look for continuous improvement, track Key Performance Indicators and keep all activities Customer focused.
- We are audited on a regular basis by the British Standards Institute
- Our certification reference is FM31516
MOD 93-116
- Prior to formal British standards such as BS5750 above, the Ministry of Defence was the instigator of quality standards in a number of industries
- For polythene, the relevant MOD standard was 93-13 and Polybags was approved by the MOD under its contractor list number 19SP02
- Polybags still conforms to the standards required under the latest MOD revision of this standard 93-116 issued in March 2000
Royal warrant
- Polybags was awarded the Royal Warrant in 1989 and has maintained the status ever since
- Whilst not a formal quality standard, we are proud of the award which is symptomatic of our desire to be the best supplier throughout the UK
Health & safety statement (full policy in staff manual)
It is the policy of this Company to provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safest possible working conditions and practices relating to the health, safety and welfare of all its employees and for other persons who may be affected in so far as they come into contact with the Company.