Also known as window bags or clear-faced bags, these stylish and protective display bags are used by a variety of vendors, including bakers and artists. Traditional film-front bags feature a transparent polypropylene front and either a white kraft paper or grease proof paper backing to safeguard the displayed items. In contrast, brown paper window bags are free-standing kraft paper bags with a flat base and a front window to showcase part of the product. This range now also includes a fully compostable option.
- Display bags featuring a film front and a paper back.
- Clear polypropylene front (20-micron thick) to display bag contents.
- White kraft paper or grease proof paper backing to help the product stand out visually.
- Look great on display whilst protecting contents.
- Popular with bakeries and other food outlets, along with artists and photographers.
There are 4 categories within this group:
8 Products. Film front window bags with a clear polypropylene front (20 micron thick) and a white acid-free kraft paper back.
3 Products. Film front window bags with a crystal-clear display window at the front and a grease proof paper backing.
1 Product. Showcase your sandwiches in these stylish free-standing brown paper bags with a front-facing window.
3 Products. Display food products in a stylish but eco-friendly way with these compostable bags that feature a window on the front to showcase the produce.