This is a biodegradable (oxo-degradable) bag using oil-based polymers with an additive that acts as a catalyst to accelerate the degradation process.
Polymer Degradation Additive : Product name: 93224 Classification (REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008) d2w grade 93224 is an oxo-biodegradable additive and complies with EU Regulation 1935/2004/EC and EU Regulation 10/2011/EC and its amendments (related to plastic materials intended to come into contact with foodstuffs) It converts everyday plastic products at the end of their useful life in the presence of oxygen into materials which degrade, and then biodegrade in the open environment - no toxic residues or fragments of plastic.
To maintain the high quality of this product during storage it is recommended that the bags should be stored in its original wrapping away from any source of local heating or direct sunlight and use within 12 months from the date of delivery. Store between temperature: 17-23°C and relative Humidity: 35-55%.
This product appears in other categories too, see also: