Vacuum sealing preserves food, by starving of oxygen any bacteria on the food and inhibiting its growth. This keeps the food fresh for longer, preserving taste, texture, colour and appearance - resulting in an increase in shelf-life of up to five times.
This handy storage method saves space in packed fridges or freezers and also prevents freezer burn - the formation of ice crystals on the surface of food by keeping moisture locked inside the food. It also allows you to save valuable time by preparing food well in advance and taking out the freezer to defrost and cook whichever way you choose.
But why not go the whole hog and keep it in the bag until the last minute by cooking sous vide?
Cooking sous vide - meaning 'under vacuum' - allows you to cook food precisely as you want it in a temperature-controlled environment. Get your water bath to the temperature you need, place in your food and start the timer - simple as that!
Not only is it easy, but sous vide cooking also produces great-tasting food. It enhances the flavour by locking in juices, making it the perfect way to cook tender, succulent cuts of meat, whilst allowing you to cook delicate dishes with great control and not over-cook.
A great way to save space in a crowded kitchens, sous vide cooking can also save you time, as it's ideal for preparing food in advance and then cooking as and when you need, whilst you're free to get on with those all-important chores or even just put your feet up!
This vacuum pouch is suitable for use with most major vacuum sealers, including: