These biodegradable bin liners have a shelf-life of 12 months from the date of manufacture, due to the bio-additive it contains to accelerate the degradation process.
Prolonged exposure to sunlight or heat risks triggering the additive, so please store the bags in a cool, dry and dark place to best preserve their shelf-life.
Please do not dispose of this biodegradable bin liner in your food waste collection bin, as it is not suitable for industrial composting. It may be suitable for home composting if disposal conditions are suitable - presence of oxygen, heat, light, mechanical stress and microorganisms - but this process will take a long time, possibly several years.
For bin liners that meet composting standard EN13432, please see our range of compostable waste bags.
This bin liner is suitable for recycling, provided it has not started to degrade and is empty of contents and clean.
This bin liner can be disposed of with its contents in your regular waste collection as a last resort option. The bag will degrade in landfill much quicker than traditional polythene bin bags.
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